Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Tiny Humans

Happy babies are the best. We had an adventure today going to my friend Katee's. She is going to watch these littles a day a week so I can see straight. I don't really like the idea of taking them to daycare, so I'm so glad I found a friend who I trust. They didn't do much not to reassure her that twins aren't so bad. Ellie started screaming not long after she started to hold her. Not the whiny cry she normally gets, but SCREAMING. She hasn't done that for a month or more. It took about 15 minutes to calm her down and only after gas drops and a big belch. Very ladylike. Then Wyatt woke up and started whining so we fed them a bottle. Which Ellie wouldn't take because she has decided she doesn't like bottles. Wyatt drank every last drop and cried for more. He's a champ. Ellie spit up on Katee's couch. Wyatt starts turning red . . . and grunting. This happens only like once a week mind you, and it has to happen during this visit. Luckily she still wants to watch them and I get to work like a mad woman one day a week with no babies riding on my hip. Hopefully they are better behaved next week.

The babies LOVE each other. They just stare at each other and smile and talk. About who knows what, but it seems very interesting.

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