Tuesday, October 15, 2013

5 Months Old Today

I'm not sure how it happened, but Wyatt and Ellie turned 5 months today. Just in the last week they have become so much more active and interactive. I still need to shoot their 5 month pictures, but today is a work day and we stay in our jammies on a work day.

Ellie is so precious. She just wants to be held. She isn't much of a snuggler except when she's exhausted because she wants to look around and explore. She has turned into the most calm and sweet baby. The first few months she was quite the drama queen, but now she is so happy. At church she was so sweet and let someone hold her while I was filling out a paper. Ellie was smiling and gooing at her the entire time. 

Wyatt on the other hand went from our chill dude to not so chill. I think he might have reflux or just really bad gas bubbles. He has spells of crying that feel never ending, but probably only last 15 minutes or so. When you can't calm him down it feels like eternity. He is also turning into a mamma's boy. On occasion during his crying spells when Tyler hands him to me he calms down. It makes Tyler feel bad, but makes me feel like a million bucks! I've noticed the start of stranger awareness in him already as well.  He's also my snuggler, always has been. 

This activity mat has been the most used and greatest thing in the world. When they were little they would just stare at the toys, but now they swat at the toys. Just this week they started to bring the toys to their mouths. They are experts at kicking the sides so that the lights and sounds will go off at the top of the activity mat. 

We still depend on the swings every day. Ellie loves to watch the lights on her swing. She just stares up at them. If they turn off and she's still awake then she lets us know! Wyatt has mostly ignored his mobile until recently. Now he has been giggling at the monkeys. To be fair, this boy is giggling constantly. It's adorable.  

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