Sunday, October 27, 2013

Rice cereal

I have been so excited to make the babies homemade baby food. I know it will save me a ton of money, I know exactly what goes into their food, and I get a food processor out of the deal. I jumped the gun during a shopping trip this week and bought sweet potatoes and avacados. Both are considered great first foods. BUT that is when you start at 6 months. The babes are only five and a half months old so I decided to start with rice cereal.

I felt like Wyatt was more ready than Ellie. He grabs at things more and puts them in his mouth. He also seems more interested in what we are eating. Ellie is just such a laid back baby that it's hard to tell.

We stripped them down to their diapers and they were excited. 

Because of the arsenic scare last year in rice cereal I was nervous to try it. So I decided to go with the organic cereal. It was still only 2.30 a box, not too bad and its whole grain instead of white rice. The box said to mix it with 4 to 1 breast milk to cereal. It was really really runny.

Since Wyatt seemed more ready we started with him. I'm pretty sure he's looking at me like mom, why would you do that? He had a scowl on his face almost the entire time, but he kept eating so it couldn't have been all bad.

Ellie surprised us by getting just as much (which to be honest wasn't much) in her as Wyatt did. 

 I'm pretty sure they are talking about how mean mom and dad are. It wasn't a total failure, but I think I'll wait another week before trying it again.

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